A Daughter of Ul'dah  who walks a fine line betweeen the halls of Nald and Thal.
Preserve the balance, if you can

About Player 
nameCrystia (Crys)
AgeOver 25 (must be 21+ to RP with me, no exceptions)
pronounsShe/They whatever works for you!
timezoneUS Pacific
RP PreferenceDiscord or In game (RP tag = IC)
ContactDiscord: @Crystia


Organizations & Establishments
The Falcons
Secret Star Services
The Caravan Lounge
The Sunstone Khan
Landama's Markets
Discord Servers
Jewel of the Desert

rule 000


OOC communication is vital on both ends. I am not a mind reader and neither are you. Boundaries are important but they must be communicated. If I have to find out elsewhere that there's an issue, that's a problem. This goes both ways. If I'm not comfortable telling you when there's an issue because of a way you reacted when I bring something up, I'm going to walk away.In terms of RP, IC does not equal OOC. I am not Saoirse and you are not your character. That said, if there's issues with the interpretation of a character or RP I would really prefer if we talked about it.If you're a bigot, racist, a full on manipulator, or weirdly sexual towards minors OOC I don't wanna deal with you!! Sorry not sorry!!Also, shouldn't have to say this, but please do not RP with me just for the ERP or to have me participate in your kink without consent. Not trying to kink shame or be a snob, but I put consent above everything.

rule 002


RP to me is a collaborative medium, and I like to write my characters as if they are a part of a living breathing world of interconnected relationships & plotlines. As she is a character that has been around since 2019 she has a lot of history and I will RP her as such. So that being said, for this specific character I don't really do well with creating a separate line of universe just for our RP. Plotlines I'm doing with other people will affect other plotlines and what not. That's just kinda the nature of it.I enjoy long term stories with great character dynamics! I also enjoy stories that have stakes to them. If your character can't take a threat seriously, attempts to strong arm my character into doing what you/they want without acknowledging her own ability, or steamrolls through fights with powerful enemies without any struggle, I am not the RP partner for you.I also prefer those who can do group RP and one-on-one. However, while I tend to be stuck as a forever DM more often than not, if it comes off that I'm the only always having to come up with ideas for our one-on-on RP, I will get tired and stop RPing with you. I prefer to direct my energy at people who actually appreciate what I bring to the table, including enjoying the character I am writing. Thanks for understanding!!

rule 004


I will not always match your word/post count. I will write what I need to in order to portray what is necessary. If I'm in a group setting I tend to write less (unless I am DMing) due to more people posting and needing to type fast. Sometimes, I will post multiple one sentence dialogues for the sake of going with the flow of the RP. I do this so that way people do not need to wait on me for too long.
This is not a personal insult to you or your writing, but if it does bother you please come talk to me and we can discuss.
As for one-on-one in game, I ask that you please please respect my time. If I'm able to hop into the shower and do a full on wash day shower (hair and everything) in the time it takes for you to write a reply in game every single time it's your turn in the RP, it might not work out in the long run. I will, in return, try to give you a heads up if I'm still typing and to try and keep the time it takes to a reasonable degree.

rule 001


Please give me a heads up (and make it clear what you're trying to get permission for) before trying to Rp the following with me:- Extreme Violence/Gore (as in describing it in great detail. Describing Eye horror especially)- Attempted Suicide/Actual Suicide (especially if you're trying to shock my character by making them walk in on it)- Sexual Assault (The act itself upon my character/your character, your character trauma dumping it on mine, etc.)- Racism directed towards my character. I can handle it in NPC form (as it's usually part of a story and temporary) but if a player character is constantly racist towards mine I would like to discuss before moving forward. (or maybe just don't!! idk!! )- Anything with Maggots, bugs near food etc. (This just really squicks me out.)- Trying to kill or permanently hurt my character.Most other themes are free game, but if it has to do with tw/cw topics / sensitive topics, I would prefer a heads up. And make sure they aren't creepy OOC.These are my boundaries. I ask that you follow this. If I find that you don't, I will end the RP relationship. I do not have time or energy to deal with people who ask me for the list in the middle of RP just to not ask me beforehand and just drop whatever it is on me like a nuke.

rule 003


As I mentioned in the preferences, I am someone that likes to write their character as if they are a living breathing person inside a world. Not only does this affect plotlines, but also relationships too. So in general, while I do appreciate if you try to make your intentions known, I would prefer if the relationship happens organically! Because of this, I can not guarantee that a relationship will happen, nor will I say it is impossible if our characters are complete strangers. Do not force a romantic relationship, it ends up with me walking away due to Rule 0. (yes this has really happened)Also, just to keep in mind: Saoirse isn't really the romantic or sexual type. However, if it does end up going that route I will also make sure that we discuss boundaries. (refer back to Rule 0 & 1)

rule 005


Please do not metagame. Please use some common sense. Don't be the reason I need to add a new rule!

The Postmaster

"Is it just a mirage? Or something more..."

 Enter -- Stage Right At the dawn of the Seventh Astral Era, amidst prosperity did a new courier company emerge from the desert sands. At the helm is a Viera woman with bright blue eyes and polite little smile.A shroud of flesh and blood to laugh, to cry, revel and despair with you and I.To most, she is The Postmaster. Owner of Secret Star Services and the one who built the company from nothing. To others, she is the woman who brings supplies to the less fortunate of Ul’dah and Ala Mhigo. And to her allies and enemies, she is a wicked tactician with a cunning mind for the politics of the city she claims is her home.She is used to playing the stagehand, but of late the game has changed. After her venture into the Lowlands, she has been seen supporting and aiding a recently proclaimed Royalist and his growing wealth and power. One that in turn, aided in the growth of her small company into a thriving enterprise. She has always been the face of her company, and Secret Star's success only propelled Saoirse Quincy into the public eye.In the aftermath of the Final Days, the Viera fell ill to a strange sickness. Glowing veins from under her skin disconcerted those saw her, and so she chose to withdraw from the public and high society to avoid scrutiny. Word has it that she is weakened from mysterious illness. She plays into it, allowing them to believe she is vulnerable. And that's not all that is whispered about her.It is no secret trouble follows Saoirse Quincy wherever she goes. Rumours of death and violence brought upon those who stand in her way trail like bloody footprints.Ah, but this is Ul'dah, and that's just business.

The Postmaster's Hooks

"By Azeyma's light, our paths are lit."

Out of Thin Air

Not much is known about Saoirse's private life and records only go back so many years with no indication of family. Why? Perhaps you are someone would be interested in finding out.

High Society

As her company grows, so too does Saoirse find herself in the company of nobles and merchants and their fancy socials. Perhaps you ran into her at one of these?

Courting a Postmaster

Her lack of any lover in the many years of being among Ul'dah's merchant and upper class has sparked rumors and whispers about her and whom she could end up with. Perhaps you're in for a challenge? Or perhaps there's a reason...


Work in orphanages and run down streets in Ul'dah? Pass by there often? A woman of Saoirse's description is often seen helping out and donating gil and supplies. Alternatively, if you run or work a charity organization that helps the less fortunate in Ul'dah, Ishgard, or helping the reconstruction of Ala Mhigo, you may gain Saoirse's eye.

Postmaster's Champion

It is Ul'dah after all, and Saoirse has yet to throw any financial backing into a champion in the bloodsands or a fighter of her own. Perhaps you can convince her to sponsor you?

Global Politics

Royalist vs Monetarist, Revolutionaries vs Overlord, House of Commons vs House of Lords. Saoirse has a deep interest in these conflicts and is willing to help when she can.She also has connections within the Ala Mhigan Resistance and the Dalmascan Resistance, and has a history with dealing with Ishgardian politics.

A Better Ul'dah

Are you a Royalist? A Street Rat? Someone longing for a better Ul'dah for the people? Saoirse could be your ally!

Echoes of a Time

Lived in the streets of Ul'dah some three decades ago? Worked for the Order of Nald'Thal back then? Perhaps the ears and bright blue eyes bring back long lost memories...

Strategy & Tactics

Looking for someone who is able to devise both political strategy as well as military battle tactics? It might do you good to talk to the viera and convince her to help you.

Courier & Trade

As the postmaster of a postal & trade service, Saoirse is always looking for those in need of a job. If you're a caravan hand, courier, adventurer or currently doing odd-jobs and want something more stable, perhaps Saoirse will have a place for you.Likewise, if you're a citizen looking to get your mail sent, look no further than Secret Star Services!


On the flip side, are you a business owner looking for someone to help coordinate & ship your goods across the star? Saoirse and her company has a track record of being extremely successful in that regard and owns several contracts already, as well as heading several logistical efforts over the years.She is also, in general, looking for new partnerships and investment opportunities, so long as they are ethical, of course.

In Need of (Personal) Assistance

Of recent, Saoirse is finding that she is unable to keep balance of the many many tasks it takes to keep a courier & trade service running, and her schedule is often disjointed. After many a trusted colleague told her to, the desire to finally give in and hire a Personal Assistant is growing stronger, and perhaps your character can be what she's looking for!

The Crimson Demon of Ul'dah

“The world can not be changed with pretty words alone.”

 Enter -- Stage Left 
Ever wonder what lies beneath those brilliant blue eyes and pretty little smile?
There are tales of a pirate crew terrorising Thanalan's skies, raining fire upon unsuspecting airships carrying precious cargo, flooding them with smoke and striking fear as the crew reveled in the blood of their victims. None delighted in it more than the captain, drenched in crimson, the demon's smile would be the last thing a poor soul might see before they draw their last breath.The Crimson Demon of Ul'dah. They attack the rich and powerful, robbing them blind, and for the unfortunate in their path: death. No one knows their identity. Rumours have their source, of course. Those who lived to tell the tale are few. And those foolish enough to reveal that they survived might have their days numbered.Is the Crimson Demon a terrorist and murderer who needs to be brought to justice? Perhaps so. But to others, they shed light on the corruption that lies underneath the glittering surface of the Jewel of the Desert- the blood splits, freedoms stolen, its people taken advantage of, all in the name of coin and power.No one knows their true goals, but one things for certain- they are a threat.Not all men in Ul'dah are treated equal and as the saying goes: Opression breeds rebellion.

The Demon's Hooks

"I burn for a sunrise I'll never see"


Are you a royalist or noble looking to change the system? An information broker with information the Demon would be interested in? Or perhaps one that believes in the cause? Maybe you have something that could help the rebellion?
The Demon is always looking for allies, after all.

Family of Steel

The Demon is always looking to add to her crew. You can never have enough pilots, navigators, gunmen, or healers. Or perhaps you are an outcast,refugee, or sellsword with no where else to go and a strong sense of justice?

Jewel's Underbelly

Have connections to the underbelly and criminal corners of Ul'dah? Perhaps you might have connections and allyship with the Demon.

For Ul'dah

Many over the years have tried to threaten Ul'dah's power. While she sees the Jewel of the Desert for the blood diamond it is, if something was to threaten it's people, its daughter will help to stop it ⸻ or find a way to use it for her own gains.

For Freedom

Freedom is the very heart of all the Crimson Demon does. She will do everything in her power to see slaves and those under oppression be freed. Perhaps you feel the same, or need a hand?

The Network

The Crimson Demon of Uldah's crew the Falcons was once an Anti-Garlean sky unit that fought across the star for those whose freedoms were taken away. In that time they have acquired quite a large intelligence network, particularly for Garleans and those with histories in espionage or resistance work in places like Ala Mhigo or Dalmasca. Perhaps you may have need for such a network? Or perhaps you are a part of such a network or would have a file.

High Society

With her masks The Demon can often be found at high society parties collecting information and furthering her goals. Perhaps you might be a noble or merchant that catches her eye...

Garlean Menance

Even though the Garlean Empire's threat is over, there are still many who believe in it's ideology struggling to cling onto power. The Crimson Demon wants to see that permanently snuffed out. Perhaps you could help assist?

Thy Mortal Enemy

A member of the Order of Nald'Thal? Brass Blade? Monetarist? Hired muscle for her enemy? Law Enforcement in other city states? Slave owner? Continues to support the Empire ideology? The Crimson Demon will likely oppose you.

  name  Saoirse (SEER-sha) Quincy
  alias  Postmaster Quincy, "The Crimson Demon of Ul'dah"
  age  Around late 30's
  pronouns  She/her
  species  Viera (City)
  birthdate  21st Sun of the Third Astral Moon (May 21st)
 sexuality Demisexual/Demiromantic
  Nationality  Ul'dahn
  God  Azeyma, The Warden
  •  Cynical 

  •  Deceptive 

  •  Selfless 

  •  Strong-Willed 

  •  Vindictive 

  •  Gallant 

  •  Passionate 

  •  Visionary 

  •  Calculating 

  •  Polite 

❝ {{

Before creation there must be destruction. If my soul stands in the way, then I'll toss it aside.
Yes, I have no choice but to move forward.

}} ❞


  •  height   5 fulm 10 ilms (excluding ears)

  •  eyes   bright blue, with specs of golden hue

  •  hair   black but can also be grey or silver. (Dyed)

  •  scars   fingers, left side of abdomen, right breast, back.

  •  languages   Common, Eorzean, Dalmascan

  •  voiceclaim   Sorceress (Diablo IV)

 appearance   smaller than average height for a viera, with lots of toned muscle (especially around her arms and legs). Average bust, hips, and butt. Freckled skin everywhere, and underneath the skin are veins that glow and pulse at different brightness depending on the day. Her fingers and toes are darker at the tips. Wears a little makeup to keep up her looks infront of upper society, and when she opens her mouth one can note the sharp upper and lower canines.Wears primarily masculine Ul'dahn or pirate-based clothing with a feminine touch. She has a focus on reds, purples, blues, browns, and blacks with a preference with gold accents. She also tends to wear multiple rings and some jewelry to fit in amongst Ul'dahn upper society, but takes it off when with the people.

  •  Ala Mhigan Rapier   A rapier passed down from her old captain to her. Her primary weapon.

  •  Ala Mhigan Foci   The foci half of the rapier passed down from her old captain to her. On the foci it says "Liberty or Death". Is always with her, even if the rapier is not.

  •  Red Magic   to go along with her rapier & foci is Red Magic, using the slightest bit of aether to deal out spells that are in both the black & white mana schools. Less powerful than her other forms of magic, but safer.

  •  Aetherial Manipulation   has the ability to manipulate aether to her will, absorbing aether into her body before weaving it to achieve different elemental outcomes. Essentially is Black Magic, dont' tell the order

  •  elemental weapons   When she is without her rapier & foci she sometimes can be seen creating elemental weapons out of thin air. Most of the time it is made out of either ice, fire, or pure aether.

  •  Crossbow   When unable to use her rapier & foci she sometimes carries a crossbow with her given to her by someone she once knew. Comes with several different types of arrow ammunition.

  •  Wooden Cane   Walks with it -- is using less of late

  •  Ala Mhigan Earring   a pair of earrings she wears always.

  •  Tipping Scales Ring   a ring on her right hand with the Ul'dah symbol upon it. Rarely ever takes it off.


 aether manipulation/perception   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
 tactics/strategy   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
 airships & aerial combat   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
 red magic/rapier techniques   ⬤⬤⬤⬤
 deception/espionage   ⬤⬤⬤⬤
 logistics   ⬤⬤⬤⬤
 thaumaturgy/other offensive magics   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
 crossbow   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

 healing magics   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
 consitution   ⬤⬤⬤⬤
 alchemy   ⬤⬤⬤⬤
 plants/poisons   ⬤⬤⬤⬤
 vieran culture   ⬤⬤⬤⬤
 dancing   ⬤⬤⬤⬤
 cooking   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤ (burned water levels)
 flirting   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤ (gods help her if she tried)

"I need all the heroes I can get."

The Sky, Her Crew, Airships, Hard Spirits (esp. Ul'dah spirits/rum), Tinkering, Strategy/Puzzle Games, Ul'dah Food/Drink, Helping others
Parkour, Wine, Royalists, Magic Powess, Postmaster Paperwork, Logistical work
The Order of Nald'Thal & Ul'dah's current system, Monetarists, Greedy/Skeevy People, Slavery, People that go after her crew, Garlean Empire Ideology, Those that harp on her ethnicity & nationality, Beer/Cider, Food Waste, Aether Dense areas


  •  Valention Dance Competition   Some years ago, Saoirse Quincy supposedly won 2nd place at a dance competition held during a Valentione Gala. Some say that she paid the judges to win, others believe that she won purely to have her name in the papers, and some believe something more was at play, considering her brief absence from high society.

  •  From Ul'dah, With Love   Some years back Secret Star Services went into a Caravan war with Rising Sun Trading Company. Strangely enough at the same time as the caravan war ended, an apothecary company named Cinnabar Apothecaries found all of their upper management dead or imprisoned in Halitali. Lady Agnes Farrer, Heiress of the Farrer Gemstone Co. claims that Saoirse Quincy killed the head of Cinnabar--and her lover--Wilmund Salter, and that she is the infamous Crimson Demon of Ul'dah. But would she really be such a vile person? Saoirse has proven that she is neither, but some people really do like to talk....

  •  Tribunal Talks   It's been said that she along with two others walked into the Tribunal to speak to a Judge, and Inquisitor, and a Magistrate. The details of the talk is spotty at best: Most believe it to be related to the venture into Coerthas for ceruleum. But it's said that it ended with a long term benefit for the Ishgardians and a short term benefit for the Ul'dahners thanks to Quincy's negotiation skills.

  •  The Red Reaper   In the days before their turn to stealing from the rich and corrupt, The Captain of the Falcons was once known to Imperialists and Sky Pirates alike as the Red Reaper: A Red Mage of considerable power who fled after the Garlean Occupation of Ala Mhigo. Most described him as a miqo'te man who was surprisingly upbeat and quick witted dressed all in red, but perhaps that was just a disguise? Or is there more to the tale?

  •  The Final Days   During the Final Days, when Blasphemies raged in the skies, many an Ala Mhigan talked of the Falcons coming to aid them and save them from turning. It was said that in particular, the captain of the crew was the one taking on the most of any, dealing with those within the crew's ranks that turned as well, and pushing herself past her limits it seemed.

  •  Vidir Rehw-gilda  

  • Brother not by Blood, Employee

  • carrd .

A man she trusts to stand by her side till the bitter end, and yet his ties to Dalmasca make her cautious to never share too much. They see each other as siblings not by blood and care for each other deeply in a platonic sense. She's rooting for his romance with Celestine, wanting him to find happiness where he can.

  •  Leonnaux Altoix 

  • Friend(?)

  • carrd .

Her favorite bartender and the (secret) proprietor of the establishment she frequents: The Cloak & Dagger. There is more to Leon than meets the eye, and Saoirse wishes to unravel every last bit to understand who he really is under the mask he wears. It may also be her excuse to find reasons for the two of them to talk over coffee.

  •  Castor Laurus 

  • Employee

  • carrd .

Known as Robyn by everyone else, Saoirse hired him as part of the Secret Star services crew after she realized the fellow regular of the Cloak & Dagger had barely enough gil to pay for a drink. She finds his company enjoyable, looking to find ways to get to know him more. She also has become one of his teachers in Eorzean holiday traditions.

  •  Celestine Fay 

  • Employee

  • carrd .

A woman she met while on her way to ishgard to be the head logistics officer of a ceruleum expedition, she hired the starseer & healer on for the expedition, and afterwards, kept her on permanently for her divination and healing magic. The two share a cordial relationship, with Saoirse rooting on Celestine's and Vidir's romance.

  •  Andrean Lackland 

  • It's Complicated

  • carrd .

A man she met during her time as a Auxiliary Officer in the St. Boldenolf Free Regiment (BFR), the two grew close until Andrean's disapperance for a year. His return into her life brought about complicated feelings from Saoirse, even more so now that he has revealed something to her that has made her re-evaluate their relationship. Currently, she sees Andrean as a tool, looking to use him to gather information on the Almasi family while letting him see her as his savior against his own sins.

TBD (being RP'd out)

  •  Lavender Almasi 

  • Neutral Ally

  • carrd .

A Royalist aristocrat Saoirse met during her time in the bfr and twin sister to Caeden Almasi. Between all the almasi siblings Saoirse has spent the most time with Lavender, finding that the woman is a bit easier to appeal to and to enjoy company wise. They have also often worked together as allies to bring down mutual enemies. However, at the end of the day the almasi family are royalists that have benefitted from the system, and while Saoirse may come off as though she trusts Lavender, she will do what she can in order to make sure that the almasi family can never get in her way.

  •  Caeden Almasi 

  • Neutral Ally

  • carrd .

A Royalist aristocrat Saoirse met during her time in the bfr and twin brother to Lavender Almasi. While Saoirse has not spent as much time with him as she has Lavender, he has not given her a reason to hate him. However, like his sister, he is someone not to be trusted, and she will do whatever she needs to in order to make sure that the trade prince will not get in her way.

  • Luthen Rael (Andor)

  • Just this whole monologue

  • "These days will end. The way they laugh. The way they push through a crowd. The sound of that voice telling you to stop, to go, to move. Telling you to die. Rings in the ear, doesn’t it? But they’ll think about us soon enough."

  • "Rule number one, never carry anything you don’t control."

  • Lelouch vi Brittania (Code Geass)

  • "The only ones who should kill, are those who are prepared to be killed."

  • "If a King doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."

  • “What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?"

  • Edelgard (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)

  • "I have only made an enemy of the church, not of the faith."

  • "Never settle to be the bird, be the arrow instead"

  • "I can't hide from the truth. I can't do all that I must on my own. If all I can rely on is my own ambition, my path won't be easy. Is it so risky...to reach out my hand?"

  • Robin Hood

  • "For I hate the proud sheriff and his men, and his bailiffs, and his jackals of the law."

  • "Robin Hood is no thief. He is a friend of the poor and the weak, and an enemy of the proud and the cruel."

  • Two (Dark Matter)

  • Odysseus (Epic: The Musical)

  • The Hunter (The Dear Hunter)

  • Edmond Dantès (The Count of Monte Cristo)

  • "Sometimes I amuse myself by carrying off from human justice some bandit it had its eye on, some criminal whom it pursues. Then I have my mode of dispensing justice, silent and sure, without respite or appeal, which condemns or pardons, and which no one sees."

  • Char Aznable (Gundam esp Zeta)

  • "The general public is always looking for a hero" "So you're telling me to play the role of a clown."

  • "blame it on the misfortune of your birth"

  • "As of now I'm Lieutenant Quattro Bajeena. Nothing more, nothing less."

  • The One Power (Wheel of Time)

  • "It was an odd thing Tam had taught him. Concentrate on a single flame and feed all your passions into it—fear, hate, anger—until your mind became empty. Become one with the void, Tam said, and you could do anything. "

  • Lightning (FFXIII)

  • " I had to be strong for Serah, so I thought I needed to forget my past. And I became Lightning. I thought by changing my name, I could change who I was. I was just a kid. Lightning. It flashes bright, then fades away. It can't protect. It only destroys."